Coronavirus Honeywagon Scotland

When will events and festivals get back to normal after Coronavirus?

Okay so at the time of writing this I need to let you know it is the 8th of September 2020 at 1.45 in the morning. I note the time and date in such detail as by the time this is published on our website ( the below information may be (probably will be) out of date.

Currently in Scotland, we are in month 6 or 7 of this pandemic, the modern day Spanish Flu, the dreaded Covid-19. When will it come to an end? Should we have done something about it sooner? Will life ever go back to normal again? Will we ever be allowed to cough in public again, without people darting away in fear? Who know’s, not even Nicola Sturgeon knows the answers. So what do we know about festivals and coronavirus? Well, the government rules in Scotland state;

– avoid crowded places
– wear a face covering
– clean hands and surfaces regularly
– stay 2m away from other people

So by the sounds of the Phase 3 route map of coming out of lockdown, festivals or events will be impossible to do with these rules in place, as they are the complete opposite of what happens at festivals.

However, with regards to portable plastic toilets at festivals and Coronavirus, we have a few options we could implement in the anticipation of events and festivals re-opening after Coronavirus.

Firstly, hand sanitisation dispensers, it isn’t rocket science, we know that regular hand washing, disinfecting and sanitisation of our hands kills the Coronavirus germs, so let’s put more dispensers throughout festivals and events. The majority of festival goers already (pre-covid-19) brought their own hand sanitisers in their pockets or bum bags, but for the hard-core, feral lot that didn’t; we have stations that have hand sanitising dispensers which can be placed outside the toilet area and throughout the festival or event as a whole.

Secondly, our toilet attendant, apart from looking like Bane from Batman, we are loving our new Coronavirus extended cleaning services. More and more of our clients have booked in with us to implement a more regular and vigorous disinfecting of our portable plastic toilets. Our portable plastic toilets come fully equipped with hand sanitiser dispensers and toilet roll dispensers. With our toilet attendants for festivals and events on site, we can regularly top up the loo roll and hand sanitisers. We also have this nifty machine that we use to spray down the toilets every hour with disinfectant, this keeps on top of the government guidelines of cleaning hands and surfaces regularly. All our staff wear PPE; gloves, face shield, mask and overall’s – we won’t be walking down NYC fashion week anytime soon in our cool get up, but it does the job.

So Nicola, we are ready to re-open the Scottish festival and event industry, we are prepped and good to go, just tell us when…

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